I have changed how to do English Diary.

Firstly, I would like to improve my body and mental health, I decided to change the time to do an English Diary, from after taking a bath to before taking a bath.

I have heard that for my sleeping improvement, I have to take time at least 1 hour what nothing to do time.


The Japanese sentence "彼女は英語で論文を書いているはずです" translates to English as: "She should be writing her paper in English."
The Japanese sentence "彼女は英語で論文を書いているはずだった" translates to English as: "She was supposed to be writing her paper in English."


  1. Concern: A feeling of worry or interest about something important.
  2. Anxiety: A state of uneasiness or apprehension, often about a future event.
  3. Apprehension: Anxiety or fear that something bad might happen.
  4. Distress: Extreme sorrow, pain, or suffering; also, a state of being upset or troubled.
  5. Fret: To be constantly or visibly worried or anxious about something.
  6. Unease: A feeling of discomfort or anxiety, often with an inability to relax.
  7. Nervousness: A state of being easily agitated or worried, often accompanied by restlessness.
  8. Preoccupation: The state of being engrossed in or excessively focused on a particular thought or concern.
  9. Solicitude: Care or concern for someone's well-being or comfort.
  10. Care: The process of looking after or providing for the needs, comfort, and well-being of someone or something.

These words all convey variations of the idea of worry or concern but can be used in different contexts and carry slightly nuanced meanings.
